Recent reviews (2,915)
Fly Me to the Moon (2024)
An easygoing movie with surprisingly flipped main characters. Those who expected Channing Tatum to be all fun and games and to see him dancing on the Cape Ceneveral to wild beats will be disappointed. He plays a surprisingly restrained and disciplined section leader, while Scarlett Johansson, as a jaded marketing consultant, is usually in great spirits. Fly Me to the Moon is set in an interesting time. A time when there is a growing theory on the internet that the US never actually landed on the moon. The film plays with that theme gracefully. It makes good arguments, but it also makes solid rebuttals. The finale is a bit of a comedy flick with a black cat, but still watchable. The craftsmanship is great, the period footage is solid.
Narcos: Mexico (2018) (series)
It doesn't reach the quality of the original Narcos, but it certainly won't bring shame to this franchise. It's still got plenty of gems and moments that are exemplarily staged, and as a series production, Narcos and Narcos: Mexico made a dent in the world and deservedly became cult-classics.
Kundun (1997)
A static spiritual fresco that would perhaps benefit from being without sound for the viewer to enjoy the beautifully photographed locations undisturbed. Actually, once the story of the little Dalai Lama begins to unfold, it's a turn-off. The interest in the characters is level 0, the scenes with Mao Zedong look like one big parody and some of the art inserts don't make much logical sense and are not important to the overall narrative. Scorsese was better in gangster movies. He's floundering here and not catching the right tone.