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Recent reviews (3,486)


'Salem's Lot (2024) 

English I was looking forward to an action-packed brutal ride with vampires, and I got a vampire B-movie for kids with make-up effects so horrible it made me physically nauseous. Another failed Stephen King adaptation, yes they are cursed! It's two hours long, with unlikeable characters, and, as I mentioned, downright tragic make-up effects that would have been laughable even in the 90s (those glowing eyes my God!). Plot-wise I was absolutely not interested, the atmosphere didn't work and the only thing that could have been nice would have been the gore, but we don't even get to see that. If I compare it to the last ten movies I've seen, this is where I suffered and wished for the ending the most. This really went over my head and the TV visuals didn't do it any favours either. If I had seen this at the cinema, I would have strangled the ticket seller. 3/10.


Hold Your Breath (2024) 

English An average western thriller with the traditionally good Sarah Paulson, good craftsmanship and a decent soundtrack and that's about it. I deliberately say thriller because in the beginning they build some sort of mythology around a Greyman of sorts (A western version of Babadook? bring it on!), but in the end nothing like that happens and it relies on hallucinations over and over again, which gets quite tiresome. I didn't suffer, it was watchable, but there's nothing to stand for, unfortunately. Forgettable. 5/10.


The Wasp (2024) 

English A new thriller directed by Guillem Morales, who has brought us two decent Spanish genre films in the past, Julia’s Eyes and The Uninvited Guest. It is admittedly a talky thriller where one woman approaches another with a proposition to kill her husband and spends most of the runtime thinking of the perfect plan. Both actresses perform well, the dialogue is interesting and surprisingly it held my attention. It turns out a bit different in the end, I expected the ending to be more interesting, but it's not bad. 6/10.

Recent ratings (6,268)

The Killer's Game (2024)


V/H/S/Beyond (2024)


The Platform 2 (2024)


The Penguin - Inside Man (2024) (episode) (E02)


'Salem's Lot (2024)


Hold Your Breath (2024)


The Wasp (2024)


Strange Darling (2023)


House of the Dragon - Season 2 (2024) (season) (S02)



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Rok 2024 teda nezačal nejlépe. Je tu konec jedné velké Éry. Z ničeho nic začal nečekaný boj mezi mnou a Goliášem a Goliáš vyhrál. To vyústilo k faktu, že se Facebook rozhodl odebrat naší milovanou hororovou stránku Horror N3rds, na které jsem pracoval s Rollmanem 10 let, dosáhla 11 tisíc fanoušků, byly tam roky dřiny i fanouškovského zápalu a troufám si říct, že patřila k nejlepším hororovým stránkám na celém Facebooku v ČR/SK ( Ikdyž jsem svým hodnocením občas některé štval :D   ), ale tomu je teď bohužel konec. Stál jsem si za názorem, že za to nikdy nechci žádné finanční ohodnocení ani placené reklamy, dělal jsem to pro sebe a pro lidi zdarma ve svém volném čase, ale ani to nestačí facebooku na slitování. Někdo z Lionsgate nás nahlásil za porušení autorských práv ( podotýkám, že šlo o trailer k filmu Boy Kills the World, který jsem nahrával tak půl roku zpět!! ( po menším investigativním pátrání jsem zjistil, že 3 dny zpátky k tomu filmu Lionsgate zakoupil práva a ten stejný den odebrali stránku. Náhoda? Osud?Karma? a facebook teda nekompromisně bez žádného slitování zakročil smrtící ranou. Jsem v šoku.  Zůstala už jen skupina Hororová komunita by EvilPhoEniX.