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Reviews (1,697)


One Punch Man Specials - The Ninja Who Is Too Complicated (2016) (episode) 

English The Ninja Who is Too Complicated is about Sonic and his journey to find new motivation and overcome his fear. It was not bad, even though I did not find it funny throughout this third episode of the OVA. Not as good as the previous episode of the OVA. 8/10.


One Punch Man Specials - The Disciple Who's a Poor Talker (2016) (episode) 

English The Pupil Who Is An Extremely Poor Talker is a variation on the theme of "how I lost and then found my keys again." Perhaps it is more like "how I got involved with the mafia while shopping" who knows? Maybe it is just that Genos does not know how to deliver a decent narrative. I think I laughed for most of the twelve minutes, although by the part in the bath when the boys could not agree on what sound best conveys the feeling of "relaxation," I was slightly horrified wondering why anyone needs to talk about that. Well, I guess that people are weird and superheroes are weird too. 8.5/10.


Kung Fu Panda 3 (2016) 

English In my opinion, Kung Fu Panda 3 pretty much keeps the high standard set by the first installment in this franchise. The first installment is witty hand as momentum. Plus, Po Ping, the main character, is very likable. I liked the second one as well, which was a bit less funny because it had some interesting action sequences, and the peacock was just really, really good as the bad guy. The third installment more or less keeps all these important criteria for me and once again is about finding "yourself" like the first installment. Practically every installment of Kung Fu Panda reveals something new about Po Ping, and in each of these movies, our hero has to somehow come to grips with this and find "inner peace." Furthermore, I have nothing against the main idea that the important thing is to be yourself, and I do not find variations on this theme boring. So actually, Kung Fu Panda 3 did not disappoint me, and my impression of this franchise is still above average. I have been waiting to see which would come first, a cinema viewing or the HD screen, and today I know, although I will still go to the cinema because I want to see the quality of the 3D. Still, I can already say that I like the animation and soundtrack. 7/10.


Snowtime! (2015) 

English This movie is not bad, although I knew how it would end because it was quite predictable when the opening credits showed that it was a remake of the 1984's Movie The Dog Who Stopped the War. Just the title alone hinted at what the punchline would be, and I had not even seen the original movie. The animation was not completely flawed, and I quite liked the music. The characters did not annoy me in any way, and even the childhood romance line was not outright stupid (even though it was not flashy either). Sure, they exaggerated a lot of things, and I would quite like to meet the genius who can build such a mechanical snow fortress in real life or maybe see something like that sometimes, however, this is a movie mainly for kids so that I can turn a blind eye to it. Likewise, the humor was pretty unpretentious, although I did not notice it much. All in all, it's a "does not please, does not offend" movie for me. 5/10.


Ajin Part 1: Shoudou (2015) 

English I should get angry and award either the anime series or this movie BOO!. It is a purely commercial and calculated production because I cannot imagine any other way that a thirteen-part anime series will be released at the same time as the movie. We are being bombarded with movies (so far, there are two announced officially - this one has already been released and the second one is to be released in May 2016, although some sources say there are going to be three). Plus, they are both confusing. Surely it would not be such a problem if they were not both the same! Hell, even Czech movie director Zdenek Troska understood that if you do a TV series and a movie (like The Watermill Princess), you want to differentiate the two at least somehow. With this, I first watched the first episode of the anime series. Then I watched the movie (because I did not know there was a movie and when I saw it, and then it was too tempting not to), and then watched the other episodes of the anime series, and for the life of me, I could not find a single difference between them. Everything seems to be exactly the same in my opinion; the animation, the dialogues, etc. I may be wrong, and I would be glad if someone corrected me. It is true that after seeing this movie, I have not been giving a hundred percent of my attention to the anime series anymore. I am rather just waiting to catch up to the end of the sixth episode of the anime series, where I guess it will catch up to the movie. On the other hand, since it has the same qualities and is the same in my opinion, it would probably be unfair to drop it, so I am inclined to give it the same rating. If it had been something more unpleasant and I felt I had missed out on an important part of my life by watching it twice, then I would not have been so lenient, although this way, it turned out well. I wonder if there will be any point in watching another movie after the anime series. There will not be any point if it only contains the second part of the anime series. 6.3/10. If anyone happens to wonder how I got to this point, check out my review of the anime series.


Kiss Kiss Bang Bang (2005) 

English "Look up idiot in the dictionary, and you know what you'll find? "A... picture of my face? "No! The definition of the word idiot which you fucking are!." I have not laughed this hard in a long time. I got exactly what I expected, and I am completely satisfied. There is some black comedy, the vice-ridden world of Los Angeles, an interesting storytelling style, unexpected twists, and awesome characters. Robert Downey Jr. and Val Kilmer had a blast, and I also had a great time. 9/10.


Assassination Classroom - Season 2 (2016) (season) 

English In terms of quality, the second season of Assassination Classroom keeps the standard set by the first season. In terms of the narrative, there is a focus on more important things that enhance the overall impression of the show, in my opinion. I am getting answers to the most interesting questions, and those answers are just as great as I wanted them to be. I already know who Koro-sensei is. His backstory is very good; the relationships constantly evolve, and I found the fight between Karma and Nagisa entertaining. The action scenes are still very good. I enjoyed the show’s humor, the characters, and their behavior, in general. I also think the narrative, in particular, is really well-executed. 9/10.


The Magicians (2015) (series) 

English Imagine a modern cross between Harry Potter and The Chronicles of Narnia, and you have The Magicians. Well, that combination is not going to work for everyone, even though I enjoyed both, so the obvious rip-off did not bother me all that much. After watching the pilot, I even thought it might be interesting, have some atmosphere, and that the characters were not completely pointless (I would have given it a very strong three stars at that point). However, after three episodes, I got to the point where I was quite bored; Quentin's whining about how the magical world is his everything is becoming quite irritating. In addition, that ex-girlfriend of his that I was initially intrigued by is starting to act pretty weirdly too. Just as I thought the rest of the characters were quite likable, each character's behavior, unfortunately, seemed to get more irritating by the episode. That is why I am going to stop after the third episode, as I can still find a few positive things about it, rather than risk making an already weak current impression even worse. 3.5/10.


Shadowhunters: The Mortal Instruments (2016) (series) Boo!

English I did not find the 2013 movie adaptation of Mortal Instruments very impressive, even though I did not find it that offensive either. The basic premise was not so bad, and it was watchable; the actors were pretty good, and the main female protagonist was quite likable. Unfortunately, the anime series retains practically nothing of the movie’s treatment. I do not like the main female protagonist at all, and I find her acting terrible, and I do not find her believable. The rest of her group also strikes me as rather repulsive, and most of the guys are completely slimy and have not a shred of charisma. She affects me in that unpleasant way I had when I watched Twilight, and I have no desire to venture further and see more than the two episodes I have already seen. Plus, there is no point when I do not even find Isabel sexy anymore. The cast is terrible, the atmosphere is lacking, and you can see they are even adapting the narrative in a pretty stupid way. This adaptation is just not any good. 0/10.


Saint Seiya: Legend of Sanctuary (2014) 

English I am not familiar with the original 1986 anime television series Saint Seiya or all the follow-up movies, OVAs, and original net animation. I stumbled upon this movie more or less by accident while looking through director Keiichi Sato’s filmography. Based on the information at hand, I figured that it might not be bad, and I did not even need to know the original adaptations to get a handle on this one. So what is this movie all about? The description will probably sound pretty crappy because I did not get the beginning, and there will probably be a lot of SPOILERS, so perhaps you should not even read it. In a certain dimension referred to as Sanctuary, there is a refuge where the reincarnation of the Goddess Athena oversees the peaceful ruling of the world. It all begins when one of the holy protectors flees and is pursued by another saint who sees him as a traitor. These two fight each other in shiny golden armor until they start flagging. The fight ends, and one of the saints passes or falls (I cannot remember exactly) through the dimension into some debris or something, and some expedition finds him there. The saint who has it "in the bag" manages only one thing, to pass the information to one of the expedition and give him what he has been protecting all along - a small child, the supposed true incarnation of the goddess Athena. The little girl grows up, and on her sixteenth birthday, she learns who she is and that her stepfather has secured a group of young men to protect her and get her "where she belongs." The poor girl does not even have time to get a good look around and absorb this information before she is attacked by the holy protectors of Sanctuary, who see her as a fake, a heretic, just someone who wants to subvert their super religious order. Fortunately, in a pinch, our sweet girl is saved by a bunch of young boys in matching shiny armor. They decide to get our little goddess into her Sanctuary and, on the way, kick all twelve of the holy golden protectors who represent the zodiac signs into the back end of their shiny tomorrows. END OF SPOILERS. I apologize again for the awful description. However, I wanted to capture how the whole thing affected me. I guess it was probably too colorful and flashy for my taste. The animation had the typical advantages and disadvantages of traditional Asian 3D CGI animation. This means that some of the exteriors were quite nice, and the characters are mainly bishonen (pretty boys). This is appropriate for Asian 3D animation, so if you are comfortable with that style, then you do not have a problem (I do not mind the style), even though their movements were terrible and unnatural in places. It also tried hard to give a cool impression. As usual with these sorts of productions, it did so with the help of crazy, supposedly dramatic, and constant slow-motion that was terrible and killed any atmosphere. So I found the narrative quite weird; I did not enjoy the characters; it was all glitter and glaring until it hurt my eyes. The dialogue was not worth writing home about, and the twists like "guys, I am not really your enemy, I was just testing you" were really stupid. I understand that for people familiar with the premise and the setting, it probably is not going to seem that terrible. However, I am not those people, and after this fiasco, I am probably not going to even get into it. 1.5/10.