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Reviews (1,699)


Summer Days with Coo (2007) 

English Summer Days with Coo is quite a nice story about a cute Kappa named Coo, even though it is not as intense as it could have been because of the excessive running time. The best characters are the dog Ossan, then Coo himself, and that is about it. I thought that the main male protagonist was quite irritating sometimes, and at other times I found him quite alright. The worst character is Hitomi. The spoiled brat is clear proof that corporal punishment should not only be allowed but encouraged when it comes to some children. I liked the soundtrack; the animation was okay. It is pretty good to watch. However, it is very long, and I did not connect emotionally with some moments at all. So for me just a bit better than average. 6/10.


Colorful (2010) 

English I guess I have only seen what everyone else has seen, which is quite an interesting narrative giving viewers a lot of food for thought. The movie has quite a long-running time that made me feel apathetic at times. However, the animation and soundtrack are decent. However, most importantly - I saw a main male protagonist whom at times, I found pitiful, and at times I felt like slapping him. It was long; it may have enriched me somehow, although I guess it is my bad luck that every time I run into someone named Makoto, he usually pisses me off. 6/10.


Kahlil Gibran's The Prophet (2014) 

English I think this movie is very good when it comes to the soundtrack. The animation is very interesting, and the idea of blending different styles in the individual narratives is definitely fresh and original. Content-wise? Well, let us just say it depends on whether you like to think and how close you are to Mustafa's views. I ended up somewhere in between. 7.4/10.


Nichijou: My Ordinary Life (2011) (series) 

English "This show is excellent, goofy, and cute as hell." I am going to borrow this accurate description of this anime series from the reviewer Subjektiv because it is perfect. Some of the jokes are truly brilliant, others are brilliantly over-the-top, and even with the weaker moments, it still comes off as almost not boring at all. The cuteness is self-explanatory. The girls Yuuko Aioi, Mio Naganohara, and Izumi Sakurai, plus the young professor (scientist) are just incredible. However, like some, I will mention that it loses its sense of originality over time, and the drive just does not sustain, unlike Azumanga Daioh. Still, it is a very good, funny, and cute show, however, I know better, so I am "only" going to award 8/10.


Gingitsune: Messenger Fox of the Gods (2013) (series) 

English Gingitsune is quite an enjoyable affair that's entertaining, interesting at times, and very easy to watch. The most likable character is, of course, Gintaro. I agree with the reviewer Gogo333 that I, too, would have liked to see the anime's creators focus more on "the messengers of the gods" and other spirits, rather than people who, while not bad, are not that interesting. For example, it could then be another show like Natsume's Book of Friends, which I would incredibly welcome. As it is, Ginitsune is a slightly supernatural slice-of-life anime series. However, it manages to offer a few interesting moments despite the genre (like the episode which I have titled "Miss Hiwako's Driver"). So, all in all, it was most certainly a nice show which is better than average. 7.5/10.


Spirit Blade Mountain - Hoshikuzu-tachi no utage (2016) (season) 

English Reikenzan: Hoshikuzu-tachi no Utage was quite a well-produced affair, and from the very first scene onward, which turns from a serious situation and interpretation of a certain prophecy into a supposedly funny skit, well, I had no idea what to think. Then came the main male protagonist, and I did not find him believable most of the time either. The boy is quite interesting, and he is pretty much anything but a classic hero. The main protagonist's behavior and mindset reminded me of a boy named Gokudo or a girl named Lina Inverse. However, this show's "hero" is not actually stealing, more like he is just cheating, taking advantage of every situation, and showing he has real balls. However, unlike Slayers or even Gokudo, the jokes are not as good. Sure the punchlines are quite strange at times. However, I did not laugh very much. The dirty blue humor is also quite hilarious at times. However, I am not a teenager anymore who can be amused by every double entendre and sexual innuendo. On the other hand, it is a nice change of pace once again, and once you get used to the pacing and sense of humor, it is quite watchable. The only shame is that the English subtitles were apparently created by a troll. They clearly used google translator, occasionally throwing in some witty observations and sometimes changing the subtitles to Spanish. The poor quality of the subtitles, unfortunately, reflects on the overall impression of this anime series. If the subtitles were synced properly and not created by a "troll" I might have even been able to get on the right wavelength, and it could have been a decent above-average anime series. However, since the syncing is so bad, I have to think about how it relates to and fits the narrative every second sentence and figure out many other things. In my opinion, it makes this anime series only slightly better than average. 6/10.


I've Had Enough of Being a Magical Girl - Season 1 (2016) (season) 

English I liked the main female protagonist of this show because she is not afraid to say what is on her mind. I could do without the flying balloon. The magical girl genre is not usually my cup of tea, even though they do not fool around with the heart stick at the end. The jokes are rather weak and more geared towards bullying the flying balloon; however, if it works, it works. By keeping the running time short, the show is quite good and does not get boring, is not irritating, and was not offensive in any way. The sweet cute little girl fan service is a bit too obvious, and I thought I could have probably done without it; the cuteness of the main female protagonist is quite enough. Mahou Shoujo Nante Mouiidesukara is a pretty average short anime series. I think it is worth three stars - 5/10.


Aria - The Origination (2008) (season) 

English If the entirety of the Aria anime series were one coherent anime series, I would not hesitate to put this show in my top ten of best anime series. Unfortunately, in my opinion, you cannot pick just one season out, in isolation without the context of the entire anime series because even though each season is beautiful and magical, each one is still just a part of the whole picture. Overall, the narrative is the most enjoyable and beautiful I have ever seen. Aria the Animation was a lovely introduction that brought us to the world of "New Venice" and introduced us to the characters, pace, and style of the narrative. Aria the Natural was a vehicle that worked beautifully within its setting, worked gently with the characters, and slowly revealed everything at the same wonderful and enjoyable pace. Aria the Origination is a wonderful and emotional conclusion, where everything ends in a way we had wished for in our minds and which you can enjoy a lot. On its own, it is beautiful, although together it is perfect. So I am awarding this 10/10, and I am completely satisfied with all three seasons of the anime series.


Garakowa: Restore the World (2016) 

English I came across this movie more or less by accident. It popped up on a site where I watch anime shows and movies, and even though it did not exactly have a preview that made me want to watch it immediately, I saw the word cute in the reviews, so, of course, I immediately sat up and decided to watch it. I was expecting a certain cuteness and was not disappointed, even though on top of that I was really surprised that it had a very interesting setting and a very unexpected plot. The animation was gorgeous, and the soundtrack was great. I thought the music was great, especially during the part when Dual and Dorothy, the two programs, antiviruses, virtually wander around the most beautiful places on our planet together with Rimo (or Remo according to the subtitles). I enjoyed it very much and felt that the world was a lovely place. Plus, even "the Box of Wisdom." looked beautiful inside. It is a very nice movie that is very colorful and has likable characters, the plot is interesting and gives the viewer food for thought, so I felt really satisfied, and it was a pleasant surprise. 9/10.


The Looking Planet (2014) 

English The Looking Planet has a very good soundtrack, and the animation is also good. It also features a very fresh origins narrative. All in all, this was a very pleasant surprise. 8/10.