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Reviews (1,480)


Money as Debt (2006) 

English Our history professor played it for us... he said we'd be surprised. Well, I took it in stride; I finally got most of it straight and retook history. Unfortunately, several of my classmates didn't understand it, several slept through it, and a few talked animatedly about how the weather was so bad it might be worse than the food in the school cafeteria, which meant I didn't get much out of it. And yet I can safely consider what I did take away from it to be sufficient and certainly enlightening.


Please Teacher! (2002) (series) 

English Instead of learning the digestive system, just wonderful :-) Me, lately I've had good/bad luck with anime in the school setting that continues in the manga and so I don't get to see the ending, which really annoys me ^_^ And that's why I had to give this one 4 stars. Just an ending. No teasers, time wasters. Beautiful and straightforward; and it just caresses the soul after all the sappy and hodgepodge and ultimately absurdly unnecessary storylines. Arigatō :)


Animal Farm (1954) 

English Well, I wasn't too thrilled with it. Granted, I haven't read the book, but clearly it must be better... Maybe it's the fact that something like this is cartoonish, maybe it's the fact that I read 1984 by Orwell and kept thinking about that other story while watching this one, but this just didn't really engage me, grab me, or leave anything in me. A weak 3 stars. Too bad, because I was quite curious and excited.


Princess Mononoke (1997) 

English I'm used to Miyazaki's work being tinged with "let's protect nature – sort trash – don’t burn forests", but this time it was too much. Again, no expense is spared when it comes to fantasy, I really liked the white creatures in the forest, the story was also interesting, the ending was kind of bittersweet (which I didn't mind at the time), yet for me this is one of the weakest films I've seen from Miyazaki so far. It just didn't touch me, not this time. His work has always left something in me, now not a peep. Still, it's a quality piece of work that's definitely worth seeing; me once. A weaker 4 stars.


Full Metal Panic? Fumoffu (2003) (series) 

English I really enjoyed myself – even laughed out loud, which doesn't happen all that often. Even today, my sister and I are still making those sounds at each other: “Pony! Pony! Pony! Pony!" (explaining), "Fumoffu, fumoffu." (understandingly). ^_^ Plus, Sagara is seriously delicious in some scenes! X__X (Luckily my nose isn't bleeding yet...)


Casino (1995) 

English I really enjoyed this movie: its narrative style, interesting personalities, and story. Even though it's so long, I never once felt bored. And right from the beginning I was rooting for De Niro and no one else; I wasn't indifferent to his fate... I went through it with him as if with a friend :-)


The Last Butterfly (1990) 

English The scene that I liked the most and that "spoke" to me the most was the one where Courtenay plays to the people who have to transport, and Kemr accompanies him on the violin; that would be the scene where a tear fell and I understood why The Last Butterfly... otherwise the rest of the film was – admittedly, a description that doesn't really fit – peaceful. I've been to Terezín, so I even recognized some of the places (hopefully), I know what it was like there, we were taught about everything. This is just to illustrate the point, and it's a very good one.


Death Note (2006) 

English I don't blame them for looking somehow different from their drawn predecessors... So I forgot about my favorite L and was entertained by these living creatures, and I must say they delivered what I expected quite adequately. And even my sister didn't fall asleep – that's saying something! ;-) She usually sleeps through anything that airs after 10pm, but she loved this one :-)


Marketa Lazarová (1967) 

English 3/4 of the movie is boring. And then... suddenly it's interesting, the moving pictures come to life and you think, great, finally something's happening, only then it slides back into boredom and you have 123 minutes to be bored or think about bug immortality. Really a shame about Markéta Lazarová, I was expecting more, but whatever. Seen as it was meant to be seen, I can't complain...


The Inheritance (1992) 

English I don't know, I was never entertained or captivated. I just kind of "missed it". I don't need this movie to live, I even breathe better when I don't have to say the title... They just had a certain lack of appeal for each other, and it's certain we'll never get past it. I don't mind, and I'm sure the movie doesn't either. And just to clarify a bit how much I dislike the movie (in case anyone cares), if I had to choose between it and, say, Pokémon, I choose you, Pikachu, you cute electric rat from Japan....