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Reviews (7,573)


Scream Queens - Dorkus (2015) (episode) 

English The episode was packed with action, laughs, and a faster-paced storyline, signaling the season's climax. I particularly got a kick out of the Chanels' visit to Melanie and Wes's selfless sacrifice for the team.


Scream Queens - Black Friday (2015) (episode) 

English The eleventh episode left me feeling a bit underwhelmed after the excitement of Thanksgiving. While there were a few highlights scattered throughout, the overall plot didn't quite hit the mark for me. And to top it off, Denise Hamphil's return felt like a step backward in the story.


Scream Queens - Thanksgiving (2015) (episode) 

English I was pleasantly surprised when Thanksgiving at the Radwells' rolled around. From the Radwells to the KKT house, there was no shortage of amusement to be found.


Scream Queens - Ghost Stories (2015) (episode) 

English In the ninth episode, the body count rose once more, but beyond that, nothing really grabbed my attention. It felt like a continuation of the previous episode, which left me wanting more. The second half of the season is losing momentum. Maybe a dose of humor could inject some life back into it.


Scream Queens - Mommie Dearest (2015) (episode) 

English Jamie Lee Curtis's portrayal of the bloody sport was undeniably entertaining, but the rest of the plot left me less enthralled. Maybe it's just me, but the ongoing investigation felt a bit lackluster. Aside from the mentioned fight scene, the story only perked up with the online death, and even that fell short for me. Plus, Denise Hemphill's character is starting to grate on me. While she's meant to be funny, her stereotypical antics are beginning to wear thin.


Scream Queens - Beware of Young Girls (2015) (episode) 

English Once again, I found myself laughing joyfully at the summoning of the dead. What should I say? Chad just isn't the sharpest pencil in the box. Feather McCarthy's story added an extra layer of enjoyment, and the rebellion in Chanelland was a welcome twist. Looks like this time, I don't have to worry about being labeled a harsh critic.


Scream Queens - Seven Minutes in Hell (2015) (episode) 

English The last episode felt a bit lackluster, but this one picked up the pace nicely. Chanel 3 really stole the show this time around — I found myself hanging on to every word she said. Still, Caulfield's departure was a bummer. His distinctive style, with no fingerprints left behind, will definitely be missed by me.


Scream Queens - Pumpkin Patch (2015) (episode) 

English Despite the nod to The Silence of the Lambs, I had to dock a few points this time around. The fifth episode just didn't quite hit the mark for me. Oddly enough, even though a lot went down, it didn't have the same spark as earlier episodes.


Scream Queens - Haunted House (2015) (episode) 

English The story rolls on, not without its bumps and creaks, but there is always something that kept me firmly strapped in. What really caught my attention was the subtle critique of some of our more peculiar and silly human behaviors. It's unexpected in what might seem like an undemanding story, but it adds a layer of depth that I found quite engaging.


Scream Queens - Chainsaw (2015) (episode) 

English I'm at a crossroads where I could justify giving this episode anywhere from one to four stars. The plot veered into some incredibly silly territory at times, yet oddly enough, I still found myself enjoying it in a twisted sort of way. Clauffield's showdown with the Red Devil deserves a special mention though. It's almost like the creators took a cue from Monty Python and the Holy Grail, particularly the scene with the Black Knight.