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Reviews (7,691)


The Big Bang Theory - The Extract Obliteration (2012) (episode) 

English A solid five stars. The creators brilliantly weaved Scrabble with Stephen Hawking, elf helpers, Raj dancing in top form, Penny's yearning for education, a school bully and his henchmen, and even threw in some crunchy spaghetti. I couldn't have possibly asked for more. I had a blast throughout. / Lesson learned: Check your towel carefully before use.


Dude, Where's My Car? (2000) Boo!

English I’m sure that with the appropriate level of THC in my blood I would have laughed my head off. Without it, the jokes were unfunny, and the plot excruciatingly boring. / Lesson learned: Don't throw away bubble wrap. It’s chic.


Gladiatress (2004) Boo!

English The film triggered feelings of futility and embarrassment, occasionally overshadowed by sheer boredom. I reckon with a solid script, director, and cast, the premise could work, but then it would be an entirely different movie. Watching this one feels like a constant gamble, risking your time, taste, humor, and good mood. / Lesson learned: The greatest reward for watching this nonsense is the end credits rolling.


The Big Bang Theory - The Holographic Excitation (2012) (episode) 

English Some folks are lucky enough to have a job that feels more like a hobby – good for them (though their families might see it a bit differently). For us regular folks, work is often seen as a necessary evil, something we endure to pay the bills. So, we spend a good chunk of time figuring out how to make the daily grind a bit more enjoyable. It's a bit of a trade-off though: the more fun you're having, the more likely you are to bend a few work rules. Interestingly, even those who generally enjoy their jobs often find sex in the workplace appealing – despite being considered a serious offense. Beyond that, other things caught my interest, and in my opinion, Howard and Bernadette took the crown for the best couple's costume.


The Big Bang Theory - The Re-Entry Minimization (2012) (episode) 

English The creators didn't go easy on their main characters. Instead of giving the spotlight to the heroic returnee, they made Sheldon fight against Penny, who used to butcher calves at home – quite an unfair match-up, if you ask me. Anyway, I found all the situations pretty hilarious, although I can't help but wish I got to see the real-life Operation on a fresh corpse. / Lesson learned: Watch out for competitive types.


Sleepy Hollow (1999) 

English Watching this movie again brought back some nostalgia, and I vividly recall how much it blew me away on the big screen two decades ago. Not that I didn't enjoy it today, but let's be real – the screen at home just doesn't do it justice. The film's got this awesome dark atmosphere, solid tension, and characters that are both well-written and a bit bizarre – classic Tim Burton just the way I like him. Plus, they nailed it with Christina Ricci in the lead female role. I mean, come on, if you've seen her as Wednesday Addams, you get why she's perfect for these parts. And hey, Miranda Richardson's there too, and I've been a fan for ages. So, despite any flaws, there are a lot of positives here for me. / Lesson learned: Don't lose your head.


The Big Bang Theory - The Higgs Boson Observation (2012) (episode) 

English The third episode was hands down the best of the sixth season so far. I found myself laughing out loud more times than I could count. Howard's overwhelmed and practically collapsing psyche had me in stitches. The territory marking and the losing battle with one's own limbic system were also hilarious. / Lesson learned: Always disinfect the entire apartment after visitors leave. Just in case.


Euphoria - Season 2 (2022) (season) 

English I can't say I was blown away by the second season. Sure, there were some well-crafted episodes, but the plot just didn't grab me, and no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't relate to the characters. It might be because my teenage years are a distant memory now. I mean, I couldn't even forge a solid friendship, let alone a romantic relationship, with my mobile phone. I draw the line at drugs, and my political correctness only goes so far. You can tell I'm not the target audience, but surprisingly, I'm not bitter about it, as reflected in my rating. / Lesson learned: Say no to drugs. 4*-


Euphoria - All My Life, My Heart Has Yearned for a Thing I Cannot Name (2022) (episode) 

English The finale of the second season left me with some seriously mixed feelings. There were parts that I really enjoyed, but just when I thought I might end on a high note, the creators threw in scenes that just didn't do it for me. I mean, the "heroine's" speech at the funeral session felt like déjà vu, and it definitely doesn't get more entertaining with each repetition. Anyway, the important thing is that it's finally over. / Lesson learned: When you're up against overwhelming odds, don't leave the bunker.


Euphoria - The Theater and It's Double (2022) (episode) 

English The story didn't exactly rocket forward – it was more like a summary of what we've already seen, sprinkled with a few new details. But the execution got me hooked. The creators nailed it with this episode, and I'd give it five stars if it weren't for the fact that the plot didn't move forward much. / Lesson learned: When you find out how others perceive events you remember, it can seriously mess with your head.