Ira Sachs

Ira Sachs

Born 1965
Memphis, Tennessee, USA


Ira Sachs was born in Memphis and moved to New York after graduating from Yale University with a BA in Literature and Film Theory. His films, including the features Married Life (2007), The Delta (1997), and the Sundance Grand Jury Prize winning Fort Shades of Blue (2005), have been screened at the Berlin, Toronto, New York, Rotterdam, and London Film Festivals, as well as in most of the major gay and lesbian film festivals worldwide. A recipient of a Rockefeller Fellowship for Media Arts, Sachs has been an Adjunct Professor in the MFA Program at the Columbia University School of Film, a creative advisor at the Sundance Director’s Lab, and a fellow at both the MacDowell Colony and Yaddo. After his autobiografic film, Keep the Lights On, he worked on a feature titled The Goodbye People, adapted from the fiction of screenwriter and novelist Gavin Lambert.

Festival Internacional de Cine LGBT de Madrid



