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Reviews (3,846)


Blot in a Fairy Tale (1981) 

English Žaneta Fuchsová, Lukáš Bech, and Ota Koval are all in fine form. This time in a variation of a Josef Lada children’s book. A pleasant modern fairy tale working entirely in the intentions of the normalization break out of children's and youth productions. The scene with the cow at the metro station is magical, as is the sequel joke with the little plug, as it traverses the housing estate, pushing a baby carriage with an even smaller plug.


The Girl on the Train (2016) 

English I'm afraid that the whole phenomenon of The Girl on the Train is much more interesting than the thriller itself. However, the net product is a good female drama that shows that it is realized through a female lens. Well, why not? Actually, hip, hip, hooray. But all the PR hype, unfortunately, sells something else entirely, i.e., almost that it is a horror movie about an unstable mysterious woman who perhaps commits some crimes on a train in the moonlight or something. It would be worth analyzing if the product itself is not that good or if the promotion just doesn't believe it can sell the project without manipulation to a recipient who appreciates the topic/genre/whatever. I think it really misses the mark and that's a shame.


As You Desire Me (1932) 

English At the end of the first epoch of Greta Garbo's sound work came the adaptation of a 1929 play by Italian playwright Luigi Pirandello. The not-so-happy resolution of the substance failed in the opening chapter supposedly set in Hungary in 1925 (originally set in Germany). In fact, it almost even hilariously failed wherein Garbo was supposed to be styled as a cabaret singer (Lola Lola style), and also sadly failed in the all-too-implausible ending. Nevertheless, As You Desire Me deserves some rehabilitation. The film, which was made despite Greta’s reluctance to remain in Hollywood, opened the way for the pleasant Garbo/Douglas couple. The two later sparkled together twice more, in Ninotchka and in Two-Faced Woman. Though they began as a beginner and a legend respectively, with the novice Douglas being led by a sovereignly passive performance from Garbo, giving a lot of space to the bold theme of amnesia and the return to one's former life without the recovery of coveted memory. However, it took only a few years and he became much more confident. He picked up experience alongside Marlene Dietrich in Angel and was the star of Arsène Lupin's comeback. As You Desire Me thus offers various good aspects, including a genuinely interesting decadent costume that exposes Garbo's back or gives her a rare opportunity to wear her hair blonde, but if history willed it and Garbo never returned to Hollywood, then that wouldn't be enough. Luckily, the next year Queen Christine arrived, but that's another story...


Testament of Youth (2014) 

English The combination of Vera Brittain and Alicia Vikander is absolutely perfect. The cruel arc of 1914-1918 lived through with all the emotions that came with it. The lost generation, the suffragettes... everything in its place. Formally and in terms of acting it is also flawless.


Brideshead Revisited (2008) 

English Bright Young Things (2003) didn't quite do it for me, but Brideshead Revisited made me recall yet again another fictional world, this time Evelyn Waugh's, that I could embrace as my own. This version of Brideshead is not only a feast for the eyes, but it is also very attractive in many of its positions. We have all the essentials, bon vivants, homosexuality, buck-passing, hypocrisy, Catholicism, and the beautiful backdrops of England, Italy, and Morocco... Most importantly, we have the exquisite gowns that define the beauty of the distinctively earthy yet gentle Hayley Atwell. This is the ideal material for those who want to enjoy and think at the same time.


The Best Woman in My Life (1968) 

English The wonderful Frič with his classic line-up from the State Film. The script is unbelievable, somewhere between a killing joke, satire, and reality. It’s courageous, very true in places, very broken up. And it's true that anyone will hesitate when they see Milena Dvorská's eyes.


Suicide Squad (2016) 

English The original Suicide Squad didn't have it easy, having to cope with the introduction of an anti-hero team, and the origins of many, many characters, while also tapping into the concurrently released Superman and Batman films. This didn't quite make the pacing of the film succeed as a whole, but otherwise, it's pretty much a blast even on multiple viewings. However, the experience does assume knowledge of the comic book series from The New 52 (and now Rebirth), and there is no shortage of those books. In any case, it was a notch for Harley Quinn, played by Margot Robbie, who had the opportunity to continue her interpretation of this freshest DC character in the next two films. #ReleaseTheAyerCut


Anthropoid (2016) 

English I'm very much looking forward to the dubbed version, which is probably a first. But otherwise, I have to admit that Anthropoid is a tasteful perspective from the outside and a good counterpart to The Assassination. The Czechs have small roles and, led by Aňa, they add to the atmosphere and the final shootout will make you hold your breath and keep your eyes wide open.


Fifty Shades of Grey (2015) 

English A popular little film serving as an illustration for a popular little book. I'm kind of curious if it will be as famous as Nine 1/2 Weeks or Basic Instinct years from now. But I think the whole trend is more likely to be forgotten.


Láska je láska (2012) 

English Listening to Milan Cieslar speak was just horrible. How can anyone fall like that? Anyway, we have a new great pair of romcoms in the Czech style. In short, films that we simply don’t need.