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Reviews (7,573)


Game of Thrones - Season 8 (2019) (season) 

English The plot of Season 8 was extremely weak. It didn't surprise me after the previous shortcomings, but I still thought that the writers were taking a one-year break for a reason. This makes it seem like they just needed more time to totally twist logic to suit their needs. Disappointing, but at least it's over.


Game of Thrones - The Iron Throne (2019) (episode) 

English Well, I've finally reached the end of the series, and the biggest plus is that it put an end to Mr. Benioff and Mr. Weiss's misery. The conclusion felt like a cop-out, bringing the story back to square one — a weird king ruling, with an advisor who doesn't want to be one, and some characters ending up right back where they started (seriously, what's the deal with the Wall?).


Game of Thrones - The Bells (2019) (episode) 

English The whole city destruction thing felt like it was just to check off some boxes for the screenwriters. The plot was a mix of eye-rolling and funny moments. As we're nearing the end, the creators didn't hold back on the death toll. Cersei's refusal to surrender turned King's Landing into a modern-day Dresden, and the more sensitive viewers might've needed a tissue or two.


Game of Thrones - The Last of the Starks (2019) (episode) 

English The fourth episode brought a welcome change - no more relying solely on audio cues; we finally got some visuals! But aside from that, it left me scratching my head. With the darkness lifted, it exposed a bunch of inconsistencies. Like, why would anyone let an army with long-range weapons just stroll onto their turf? And why wouldn't the enemy take advantage of that? I doubt Tyrion would hobble more than a hundred meters to the walls. Also, a deflowering took place, but given what we've seen in the past seven seasons, I'm pretty sure it was the only one left.


Game of Thrones - The Long Night (2019) (episode) Boo!

English Benioff and Weiss once again showcased their unique approach to warfare tactics, and this time, it left me almost tearing my hair out. I won't delve into all the nonsensical elements they threw into the battle frenzy. Let's just say the whole thing felt like watching a midnight scuffle between rival gangs in a tunnel - I caught glimpses of eyes and teeth but that's all I could see. Honestly, I think the screenwriters would've done better if, after the battle, two guards met on the walls and exchanged banter like, "That battle, huh?" "Oh yeah! Did you see how they kicked the Dothraki's asses?" Maybe I'd have a clearer picture of what went down. Hopefully, the fourth episode sheds some light on things because, amidst the inadequate lighting, I have a feeling some major characters met their end. But hey, who knows?


Game of Thrones - A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms (2019) (episode) 

English In the second episode, the action basically boiled down to one deflowering. The rest was just a lot of talking. Based on my previous reviews, you'd think that would guarantee a three-star episode, but... The "unforced and random" encounters followed by "elaborate" dialogue got on my nerves pretty fast. And Brienne getting knighted really topped it off.


Game of Thrones - Winterfell (2019) (episode) 

English After several previous disappointments, I never thought I'd give the opening episode of the final season more than three stars. But here we are. My concerns remain, though—probably because there were no action scenes for the writers to mess up. This episode was heavy on dialogue, mostly in Winterfell. While some of it didn't grab my attention, it wasn't terrible. Cersei must be a wild one in bed; poor Euron was so caught up in it that he didn't even notice he lost three ships. What happened to his soldiers and sailors remains a mystery.


How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World (2019) 

English After two great installments, this film was a huge flop for me, and I had been looking forward to it so much... Both previous dragon films offered great animation, a well-written story and a lot of great humor. The only thing left of it here is the animation. The new story is wishy-washy, parasitizing on what had already worked twice, humor had to clear the field for the constant lecturing and melodrama, and, for the first time, I was bored with the dragon training.


North by Northwest (1959) 

English Some of the scenes almost radiate naivety, the script twists logic beyond recognition, and the technical execution of certain shots looks ridiculous from today’s perspective. On the other hand, even today, the film is still entertaining and witty, Cary Grant is brilliant as the unfortunate Roger Tornhill and the whole film is extremely watchable.


Welcome to Marwen (2018) 

English I stared at the opening scenes of the film with absolutely no idea what was going on (I should probably start reading the summaries before watching films). Then I delved into it and in the end I quite enjoyed this weird film. The idea that someone really has to go through something like that is quite depressing. I did like the doll autotherapy, though. It was unexpectedly entertaining and contrasted perfectly with the inevitable melodrama. And Steve Carell has once again shown his excellent acting skills.