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Reviews (2,473)


The Sons of Sam: A Descent into Darkness (2021) (series) 

English This new true crime series from Netflix disappointed me, but fans of similarly oriented stuff will probably not be swearing explicitly. I was expecting a classic detective story in the style of Night Stalker, where a notorious serial killer case would be investigated and we would follow the detective work of the police officers and see how they catch the killer. That is what I like, but unfortunately, this mini-series takes a completely different direction than I would want, one that didn't entertain me much. The storyline with David Berkowitz is more or less wrapped up in the 1st episode, so if you're going into it because of him, you will be disappointed. The next three episodes focus on a writer obsessed with the case and convinced that the murders were part of a Satanic cult. So, there are a bunch of conspiracy theories that unfortunately don't entertain me much. There are a few interesting dialogues and thoughts, and those who enjoy occultism might find it appealing. Personally, it didn't captivate me too much, documentaries are not my strong suit, and they only entertain me if they are presented explicitly and engagingly like in Night Stalker or Don't F**k with Cats. 6.5/10.


In the Earth (2021) 

English Ben Wheatley is a peculiar director. I've seen five of his films and none of them impressed me, and if you feel the same way, then In the Earth won't impress you either. The director made the film for a small budget during the coronavirus, with three characters in a forest. Coincidentally, also the film also features a virus raging. A scientist and a park ranger venture into the deep forest for research. They encounter a third character and nothing goes according to plan. That's basically the story, there's not much else to it, so fans of plots won't find much satisfaction, and unfortunately, fans of horror, action, mystery, or anything genuinely interesting that is worth paying attention to won't find satisfaction either. There are only about two horror scenes in total (the scissors in the eye are great, the fingers chopped off with an axe are relatively decent, but for a 100-minute runtime, it's somewhat insufficient). In the final twenty minutes, there's a flickering stroboscope, which was possibly supposed to be the "psycho" element, but it almost gave me an epileptic seizure, so no thanks. A waste of time, it didn't give me anything, I silently wished for it to end. 4/10.


Detective Chinatown 3 (2021) 

English This trilogy has so far passed me by, but the third part caught my attention. The biggest opening weekend in history, just under 400 million (Avengers: Endgame 358m) and it also stars Tony Jaa. The expectations were high and in the end I am a bit disappointed, but it is still an entertaining film. Chinese, Japanese, and Thai detectives are invited to investigate a murder, and it's quite fun. I enjoyed the investigation the most (similar in style to Sherlock Holmes, I like that!) and the action is great, although there is not much of it. It's really more of a lighthearted crime-comedy, but the grand fight at the airport and the smaller fight with Tony in the subway are solid. The first half is stronger and more enjoyable, in the second half the film slightly falls apart and the fact that I didn't get an action-packed finale disappoints even more. I don't regret watching it, though, I had fun. 6/10.


Changeling (2019) 

English A pregnancy horror short that impresses with a disturbing finish. Had it been half as long, I would have been happier. 6/10


Vampire Girl vs. Frankenstein Girl (2009) 

English I was hoping to at least laugh at how stupid, embarrassing, crazy, and insane it is, but I didn't find it very funny. Some of the absurd ideas will catch your attention, but it's a terrible mess. There is so much blood splattering that at times I couldn't see anything else. It was overly exaggerated for me, sometimes dragged on, and occasionally I felt embarrassed. Not great. 3/10.


Liar Liar (1997) 

English It's great to see Jim Carrey again in the best shape. Liar Liar is still a perfect comedy with excellent jokes and a fantastic Jim, who truly delivers an Oscar-worthy performance. I laughed out loud, it's a blast. 8/10.


PROXiMITY (2013) 

English Great music! Otherwise a relatively cheap, but fun, intense and sufficiently suspenseful forest chase with sharp fights. Add some gore and it would be four stars. 6/10.


Diner (2019) 

English A decent Japanese oddity with great style! Tatsuya Fujiwara (Death Note, Rurouni Kenshin: The End of a Legend Arc) plays a bartender in a fancy restaurant with a very specific clientele: killers and lunatics. A new cute waitress reluctantly starts working there, having no idea what she's getting into. The film has an original colorful style (the visuals are truly stunning and the bar is pleasantly exotic), the gang of killers is interesting, and each has their own "room" in the establishment. The best one is the bizarre character of the bulldog, who steals most scenes for himself and is great in action. I'm a bit disappointed with the action itself, even though it has its own identity and one scene is clearly a nod to The Matrix. I was hoping for more explicit violence, but I still enjoyed watching the film. The characters are well-played, the story is interesting, and it manages to surprise in unexpected directions at times, and the premise itself is more than attractive, so I'm satisfied. Japan has brought me joy after a long time. 7/10.


Line Walker 2 (2019) 

English I hoped Line Walker 2 would shock me similarly to, for example, Shock Wave 2. It's a similar case where the first part didn't really entertain me, so I had some hope for this one, but unfortunately, it's on a similar level as the first part. The acting is decent again (Nick Cheung, Louis Koo, and Francis Ng are well-known Hong Kong stars), but the plot didn't really engage me. The action consists of not very exciting shootouts, although there are at least two decent fights, and occasionally, there is noticeable weaker CGI (the car crash). The only thing I genuinely liked was the twenty minute final car chase, with bulls released into the streets that occasionally pick up a few people on their horns, giving it a relatively fresh and more intense impression. Otherwise, nothing that would blow me away. Hong Kong can do better. 6/10.


The Mitchells vs. the Machines (2021) 

English I loved every freakin' second of it... Movie of the year! The animated film of the decade! The best Netflix film! Instant cult-classic and masterpiece! Afterwards, I almost had to go to surgery to fix my jaw. Unbelievable experience. The film focuses on a wacky, crazy and likeable family who, in the middle of the robot apocalypse, is on a family trip while people are being abducted and the world is slowly ending. An excellent and original concept of the beginning of the apocalypse involving electric appliances going crazy. Throughout the film, the dog naturally steals the spotlight, but the father is also excellent, being a proper handyman and a real man (many men in their forties will see themselves in him), and, of course, the two malfunctioning robots as additions to the group add even more to the show. The son and daughter are also decent, but they lag behind the others a bit, and the mom, she turns into a regular assassin at the end, earning respect! It has a beautiful comic book stylization, great music, a hefty dose of pop-culture references, as well as references to technology, family, American society, and much more. The action itself is also good (the battle in the shopping center with alive electrical appliances has an almost horror atmosphere!!) and the grand finale is, of course, amazing. The biggest advantage is undoubtedly the humor, which is served to such an extent that I can't remember a movie in which I laughed non-stop without breaks. A tremendous explosion, where I was disappointed it was already over and I wanted even more. I want a sequel, prequel, spin-off, anything right away! More screenings are necessary, there is a lot of humor and details in the background, and it's impossible to absorb everything on the first go, there's really a lot. Powerful, touching, incredibly funny, playful, creative, intelligent, captivating, thrilling, and breathtaking. Yes, that's the Mitchells! And I enthusiastically recommend them to absolutely everyone. 10/10.