Apple TV+ - Streaming

Apple TV+

Streaming from 04/14/2023  
Streaming from 04/13/2023


Streaming from 04/12/2023



Streaming from 04/11/2023




EvilPhoEniXSick of Myself(2022) 

A Norwegian oddity about narcissism, or what a person is capable of doing to get attention. Again, an interesting psychological study of a girl who overdoses on certain drugs and acquires a strange disease that gets her… (more)

Detektiv-2Sick of Myself(2022) 

A well-made black comedy about narcissism gone out of control, laying waste to whatever is in its way. Nothing to fault here in terms of theme, acting and music. The main downside lies in the pace, which shoots up and… (more)

IsherwoodSick of Myself(2022) 

Attention whoring to the max. Nordic bizarreness taken to absurdity, flirting with the body horror genre, suffering from slight predictability and fierce defense against logic (after the first blood test, Signe would… (more)