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EdiebalboaEddie the Eagle(2016) 

So even ski jumping has its own "Rudy". The funny and determined Eddie Egerton and his moustache will grow on you from his first childhood attempts to win an Olympic medal. The first priority here is fun, the filmmakers… (more)

novotenMad Max 2: The Road Warrior(1981) 

I prefer minimalism and anguish of the original over the overdone and loud action in the sequel. Though George Miller defines the post-apocalyptic genre in its essence and thus opens the doors for dozens of successors,… (more)

EvilPhoEniXThe Green Knight(2021) 

Studio A24 serves up a medieval historical fantasy based on Arthurian legends that is definitely not for everyone, but I was captivated by its visuals and acting. I usually hate artsy and slow films, but A24 does them… (more)