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gudaulinAmerican History X(1998) 

As a film about the danger of neo-fascism and racial violence shown in schools as part of education, American History X would work almost flawlessly, but as a drama with artistic ambitions and also with such high… (more)

ZízaAmerican History X(1998) 

Strange, but I suspected it was coming to exactly that ending – the ending of the movie, that is. For me, the story doesn't end. I'll still be caught up in imagining what came next. How this last event played out in the… (more)

EvilPhoEniXTop Secret(1984) 

A decent parody with Nazis and likeable Val Kilmer, where the first hour does not bring any big outbreaks of laughter, but the final 20 minutes are awesome, too bad it didn't come earlier. 6.5/10. (more)