Apple TV+ - Streaming

Apple TV+

Streaming from 02/26/2023  


Streaming from 02/24/2023






StanislausCocaine Bear(2023) 

Cocaine Bear could have turned out any way, given the premise and the director, and I'm quite happy it turned out to be an average black-humour slasher starring a murderous bear with a cube of cocaine for a brain. The… (more)

EvilPhoEniXCocaine Bear(2023) 

It's a shame that Elizabeth Banks took a potentially bizarre and wacky premise, where it was already decided that it would be a bad film, but I was hoping that it would at least be stupid-funny and it's kind of boring.… (more)

NecrotongueMayor of Kingstown - Drones(2023) 

It's starting to feel like a pattern. I can't say for certain without more evidence, but the seventh episode of this season had the same kind of decline in quality as the seventh episode of the first season. While the… (more)