Apple TV+ - Streamovací služby (VOD)

Apple TV+

Streaming from 10/26/2013  


Streaming from 10/25/2013



Streaming from 10/24/2013


Streaming from 10/23/2013



D.MooreThe Counselor(2013) 

As much as I like the work of Ridley Scott (a lot) and Cormac McCarthy (a lot), I have to say that The Counselor impressed me primarily as an extremely pretentious film that (in roughly the following order) entertains,… (more)

lampsBlue Is the Warmest Color(2013) 

It’s very rare to see a festival flick so relatable, with artistic choices that fully support the power of the message and the emotional effect. The three-hour series of details on the faces of actors, whose ordinary… (more)

novotenBlue Is the Warmest Color(2013) 

From the first more intimate dialogue, physically intense spectacle, three hours in Adele's skin is surprisingly little. Or at least it would be, if the script didn't sometimes play a slightly repetitive melody. The… (more)