Apple TV+ - Streaming

Apple TV+

Streaming from 04/12/2021  
Streaming from 04/11/2021


Streaming from 04/10/2021


Streaming from 04/09/2021



Streaming from 04/08/2021



KakaFor All Mankind - And Here's to You(2021) 

Finally something is happening in space. After all the sometimes unpleasantly slow parts, the eighth episode has some serious momentum. On Earth, the only interesting storyline at the moment is with Karen, the rest are… (more)


Burger is good at nice visuals and the premise is interesting, but that isn’t enough. The screenplay is weak and soon slips into a predictable routine. The kids behave like idiots, but not one of them is likeable. The… (more)

EvilPhoEniXThe Tunnel(2019) 

Another decent disaster thriller from Norway. A petrol tanker truck crashes in a 9km tunnel at Christmas and disaster is on the way. The fire and rescue workers are instructed to stand outside the tunnel, but once one… (more)