Apple TV+ - Streaming

Apple TV+

Streaming from 04/22/2024  


Streaming from 04/21/2024
Streaming from 04/20/2024


Streaming from 04/19/2024


Streaming from 04/18/2024




EvilPhoEniXThe Three Musketeers: Milady(2023) 

I enjoyed the first episode more unfortunately. It's very nicely shot (the cinematography is breathtaking), the actors play perfectly, and there is less action, but when it comes to it is again very good. However, since… (more)

MarigoldThe Three Musketeers: Milady(2023) 

Water in the first one, and now fire. Milady on fire, literally. Eva Green breathed even more tragedy into this character and further liberated her from the corset of the “villain” formula that we know from the classic… (more)

KakaThe Three Musketeers: Milady(2023) 

I enjoyed Eva Green in the corset more, but otherwise I enjoyed everything else less. The first one was better. Still top-notch production values, big-movie ambitions and the right dynamics and visuals, but the second… (more)