Apple TV+ - Streaming

Apple TV+

Streaming from 07/27/2020  


Streaming from 07/26/2020
Streaming from 07/25/2020


Streaming from 07/24/2020






For a long time, Amulet remains an unclear and only slightly interesting psychological game, but in the end it is surprising, makes sense and even pulls off a certain winking humor. As a representative of indie horror,… (more)

MarigoldHelmut Newton: The Bad and the Beautiful(2020) 

The questioning of Newton's method is very cautious in this documentary, also because primarily the "victims of his camera" speak. Nevertheless, thanks to decent dramaturgy and a good choice of talking heads, there is… (more)

lampsThe Rental(2020) 

The idea is good and I can’t complain much about the pace of the second half, but a film that wants to rely on how characters behave in an unpredictable and confusing situation should never allow those characters to be… (more)