Apple TV+ - Streaming

Apple TV+

Streaming from 11/08/2016  


Streaming from 11/07/2016


Streaming from 11/06/2016
Streaming from 11/05/2016


Streaming from 11/04/2016




EdiebalboaHacksaw Ridge(2016) 

A year ago it was Spielberg, this year it’s Gibson. Once again, we get a film from the last century, where the director of Braveheart definitely does not disappoint. By the time you land on Okinawa, you're thinking, … (more)

POMOHacksaw Ridge(2016) 

Some moments Hacksaw Ridge come across as simple and half-baked, but the film works at the emotional level. And it displays perfect work with eye-pleasing visual reminiscent of the Golden Age of Hollywood. But… (more)

DaViD´82Hacksaw Ridge(2016) 

Gibson probably didn't quite understand the meaning of the phrase "war is hell/horror" and took it literally, word for word. He thus stylizes war scenes as a pure horror genre movie from hell with everything from the… (more)