Disney+ - Streaming


Streaming from 10/02/2016  


Streaming from 10/01/2016


Streaming from 09/30/2016
Streaming from 09/28/2016
Streaming from 09/27/2016
Streaming from 09/26/2016


Streaming from 09/25/2016
Streaming from 09/24/2016
Streaming from 09/23/2016




D.MooreMiss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children(2016) 

It's with a heavy heart that I rate as I do, because Danny Elfman's score is about the last thing Tim Burton's new film lacks. It's nice to look at, I was very pleased to see Eva Green finally playing something a little… (more)

StanislausMiss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children(2016) 

I haven't read the book(s), so I can't judge how much the film sticks to the source material or how much they ravaged it, so I went to see Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children with a clean slate. To begin with, I… (more)

kaylinMiss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children(2016) 

Tim Burton has really grown stale to me in recent years. Yes, in this film, there are a few horror moments that made me rejoice, but it's just an echo of Burton's poetics. The characters in this film are completely… (more)