Disney+ - Streaming


Streaming from 12/08/2023  
Streaming from 12/07/2023
Streaming from 12/06/2023


Streaming from 12/05/2023
Streaming from 12/01/2023
Streaming from 11/29/2023
Streaming from 11/27/2023


Streaming from 11/22/2023
Streaming from 11/20/2023
Streaming from 11/19/2023
Streaming from 11/18/2023
Streaming from 11/17/2023


Streaming from 11/15/2023
Streaming from 11/11/2023
Streaming from 11/10/2023
Streaming from 11/09/2023
Streaming from 11/08/2023




3DD!3The Marvels(2023) 

On paper, it meets the quota. A girly Marvel movie with an unlikeable and downright repulsive villain packed with visual effects. There's no shortage of environmental overtones, even saving the sun at the end. The… (more)

LimaThe Marvels(2023) 

Better than Quantumania and I do believe Nia DaCosta is a talented director. The problem is that she said she wanted to make a film that her young daughter would enjoy watching. And that's it. The target audience for… (more)

wooozieThe Marvels(2023) 

I disagree with Scorsese's take on the MCU not being cinema but rather a theme park. Even in a theme park, you have to put in some effort to make it look presentable in order to make profit. Marvel has become a product… (more)