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J*A*S*MA Simple Plan(1998) 

A gripping little thriller with brilliantly written characters (Bridget Fonda) and great performances (Billy Bob Thornton). Besides the high tension, the film offers a very important life lesson: never conspire with… (more)

lampsA Simple Plan(1998) 

A tense and well-directed psychological game where you can never be sure what will happen in the next scene, let alone in the ending, which, by the way, is probably the best it could be. Given their diverse nature, it’s… (more)

EdiebalboaA Simple Plan(1998) 

A tale of one smart and two dumber small-towners who can't resist the temptation to get rich quick in a beautiful winter landscape straight out of Fargo – But that's the end of any connection to the famous brand.… (more)