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kaylinAt Midnight I'll Take Your Soul(1964) 

José Mojica Marins demonstrated with his film At Midnight I'll Take Your Soul that horror can indeed be shot anywhere, but to make a quality horror film, one needs talent. And Marins definitely had talent. More than… (more)

LimaThe Marvels(2023) 

Better than Quantumania and I do believe Nia DaCosta is a talented director. The problem is that she said she wanted to make a film that her young daughter would enjoy watching. And that's it. The target audience for… (more)

D.MooreThe Marvels(2023) 

From the first trailer, this light-hearted-looking film with three heroines is very much about the heroines, and it's light-hearted to boot. Oh, yeah. I really liked The Marvels, perhaps because I wasn't expecting a… (more)