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LimaI Heart Huckabees(2004) 

If this is how consumerist California envisions a European-style auteur arthouse cinema, then God help us. An unbelievably hackneyed farce, with an opaque plot that it’s unable to draw the viewer into the action.… (more)

kaylinCrimson Peak(2015) 

A visually stunning film, where some scenes completely captivated me, and I couldn't believe that something like that could be filmed. And yet the film bears Guillermo's signature. It's beautiful in that regard, but the… (more)

DaViD´82Crimson Peak(2015) 

Gothic horror movie should, by its very nature, contain elements of romance, as well as Gothic novel should contain elements of horror. There is no doubt about that. But this ration must be well-balanced, whether in… (more)