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ZízaLast Knights(2015) 

Such an altogether rather well done Western/Eastern mashup, basically 47 Rōnin as a Western. The acting certainly isn't bad, but given that I was pretty clear on how it was going to turn out (what Japanophile wouldn't… (more)

GoldbeaterA Nightmare on Elm Street(2010) Boo!

A beautiful example of how Hollywood producers imagine the ideal modern remake of a film hit from the eighties. Just hire a music video director (who never shot any feature-length movie), put together a bunch of ideas… (more)

MattyIsle of Dogs(2018) 

Though Isle of Dogs does not excel in terms of narrative ingenuity like The Grand Hotel Budapest or of playfulness as in Fantastic Mr. Fox, it is still such an incredibly clever film that you want to bark with joy. ___… (more)