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DaViD´82The First Omen(2024) 

If redundant and unwanted prequels and remakes of genre classics have to be made because producers and the times demand it (too bad the audience doesn't), then please at least do it with care and in a form like the one… (more)

GoldbeaterBoy Kills World(2023) 

The film is off to a very promising start. Some of the ideas concerning the perception of the world around the deaf-mute main character are quite entertaining, although the film doesn't try to work with them in any… (more)

MrHladRicky Stanicky(2024) 

Three mates once invented a fake friend, Ricky, to whom they blame all their troubles even as adults. But now their families want to finally meet him, so they hire a broke actor to impersonate Ricky. And things get a… (more)