Netflix - Streaming


Streaming from 05/05/2023  







JeoffreyCyberpunk: Edgerunners(2022) 

I did enjoy it and actually got exactly what I expected. It managed to keep a lot of the important ideas from Cyberpunk 2077 that Mike Pondsmith’s universe is brimming with. It shows both the beauty and the treachery of… (more)

PethushkaFlower of Evil(2020) 

This was very good. All in all. Amazingly acted and directed, the script is well thought out and offers some interesting twists that I didn't figure out beforehand. Joon-gi and Chae-won fit together nicely, you believe… (more)

D.MooreFear City: New York vs The Mafia(2020) 

The best of mafia movies, except that it's reality. Or is it? The series neatly chronicles the efforts of the FBI agents (and others) who decided to get their hands on the five New York crime families, it shows not only… (more)