Netflix - Streaming


Streaming from 09/19/2016  


Streaming from 09/16/2016
Streaming from 09/14/2016
Streaming from 09/09/2016
Streaming from 09/02/2016
Streaming from 09/01/2016
Streaming from 08/26/2016


Streaming from 08/19/2016
Streaming from 08/05/2016
Streaming from 07/29/2016
Streaming from 07/15/2016


Streaming from 07/14/2016
Streaming from 07/06/2016
Streaming from 07/01/2016
Streaming from 06/30/2016
Streaming from 06/24/2016
Streaming from 06/22/2016
Streaming from 06/03/2016
Streaming from 06/02/2016


Streaming from 06/01/2016
Streaming from 05/27/2016



3DD!3The Do Over(2016) 

Absolutely crazy trash that goes from being a comedy where sweat drips from a fat Puertorican’s balls onto the main protagonists’ face, to become a touching picture about a family and cancer treatment. Great one-liners… (more)


The premise wasn't close to my heart, which made me all the more surprised that I couldn't tear myself away from the screen. The filmmakers really went the extra mile and made a very interesting drama in a surprisingly… (more)

IsherwoodThe White Helmets(2016) 

A sad postcard from Syria, which comes into full view when one of the participants, in the momentary comfort of a Turkish hotel for training, utters: "Peace and tranquility, and all you have to do is cross the border."… (more)