Netflix - Streaming


Streaming from 05/05/2023  







kaylinThe Walking Dead - Season 5(2014) 

The fifth season of The Walking Dead is an improvement for me over season four, although certainly not to the extent that I am as excited about the show as I am about its comic book counterpart. It seems to keep… (more)

NecrotongueNarcos - Season 1(2015) 

Season 1 introduced me to an interesting series (the narrator is excellent). I really enjoyed it and got a lot of interesting information as a bonus, which made me want to check and look up additional facts. I'm always… (more)

ZízaCinderella and the Four Knights(2016) 

I finished watching it, even though the last four or so episodes really annoyed me, because it had some nice moments and because the main character wasn't totally useless. She wasn't a complete wretch, she wasn't an… (more)