Prime Video - Streaming

Prime Video

Streaming from 12/22/2023  


Streaming from 12/21/2023


Streaming from 12/20/2023


Streaming from 12/19/2023
Streaming from 12/18/2023




NinadeLAquaman and the Lost Kingdom(2023) 

#15 DCEU. The final film of DC Extended Universe is the Aquaman sequel. The film runs smoothly, following the classic concept of a buddy movie, in which the main enemies from the first film become partners under the… (more)

3DD!3Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom(2023) 

I found it more entertaining than the first one. I'm going to slightly overrate, because after the delays, the reshoots and the Amber Heard shit, it could have been a lot worse. James Wan delivers an entertaining romp… (more)

EdiebalboaAll of Us Strangers(2023) 

A good drama by the standards of London tower block stories, quite unique actually. One lonely man in a flat manages to pull off a spectacle I never dreamed of. Andrew Haigh has tweaked Taichi Yamada's premise for the… (more)