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agentmikyHeaven & Earth(1993) 

The conclusion of the Vietnam trilogy, which isn’t very well-known to a wide audience, and that’s a shame. Oliver Stone showed us the first half of the Vietnam War from the perspective of a girl who lived through it and… (more)

MarigoldThe Air Up There(1994) 

A pleasant sports comedy, in which all you have to do is have your brain in the slow regime and experience all the familiar schemes of the genre, a few good jokes, an exotic environment, and sympathetic characters. The… (more)

KakaHeaven & Earth(1993) 

From the outset, Oliver Stone shrugs off all the criticizing and moralizing that so grates on my nerves in some of his films, and delivers an evocative, haunting and emotionally charged story of a young woman in the… (more)