Prime Video - Streaming

Prime Video

Streaming from 02/23/2021  


Streaming from 02/22/2021


Streaming from 02/21/2021



Streaming from 02/20/2021



ZízaAssassination Classroom - Season 2(2016) 

I liked the first season better if for no other reason than that it was more lighthearted, there was more humor in it. Here, it legitimately heats up as the story wraps up, and they have to kill or not kill Koro-sensei.… (more)

NinadeLSuperman and Lois - Pilot(2021) 

All the assumptions were negative, but the pilot for the new series starring Superman is a great affair. The basic concept of Superman & Lois is great. Clark and Lois are older, have two teen-aged sons, and are… (more)

JeoffreyAssassination Classroom - Season 2(2016) 

In terms of quality, the second season of Assassination Classroom keeps the standard set by the first season. In terms of the narrative, there is a focus on more important things that enhance the overall impression of… (more)