Prime Video - Streaming

Prime Video

Streaming from 10/23/2020  


Streaming from 10/22/2020


Streaming from 10/21/2020


Streaming from 10/20/2020




NecrotongueGangs of London - Episode 6(2020) 

I couldn't quite shake off that discomfort during the violent scenes. If it were a guy hanging there, I might have been more at ease. Apart from those intense moments, nothing else really stood out to me, so three stars… (more)

EvilPhoEniXThe Witches(2020) 

Robert Zemeckis and his remake of The Witches is a fantasy horror film for the little ones, and I think 10 year olds would be scared just like we were in 1990. The duo of Octavia Spencer and Anne Hathaway do a decent… (more)

ScalpelexisAkudama Drive(2020) 

Akame ga Kill! meets Cyberbunk. This relatively entertaining ride through a futuristic world with elements of dictatorship literally almost shattered into pieces halfway through. What at first appears to be a more… (more)