Prime Video - Streaming

Prime Video

Streaming from 05/04/2023  



Streaming from 05/03/2023





MrHladGuardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3(2023) 

The first half of the Guardians of the Galaxy: Volume 3 looks like a compilation of jokes cut from a mediocre sitcom. The second half is just as uninteresting in terms of depth, but at least it has drive. The fatalism… (more)

wooozieGuardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3(2023) 

The MCU’s swan song. I’m afraid that the third installment of Guardians of the Galaxy is (and probably will be for a long time) the last MCU movie which made me care about the story and the fate of its characters. Most… (more)

3DD!3Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3(2023) 

Another big farewell party in full swing. Rocket’s origin story is the main pull of the third outing and it certainly did not disappoint. Yet, he's not the main star and the team gets a balanced roster, giving James… (more)