Apple TV+ - Streaming

Apple TV+

Streaming from 06/12/2019  


Streaming from 06/11/2019


Streaming from 06/10/2019
Streaming from 06/09/2019


Streaming from 06/08/2019


Streaming from 06/07/2019



EvilPhoEniXThe Secret Life of Pets 2(2019) 

Weaker than the first one, but that was to be expected. I was originally hoping that the tale would focus on the evil vet as the bogeyman of all pets, it could have worked great on that level, but it goes down a rather… (more)

StanislausThe Secret Life of Pets 2(2019) 

Everything you wanted to know about your pets but were afraid to ask – part two. This sequel is in many ways similar to its predecessor and basically what I wrote in the first part applies to it. This film will again be… (more)

NecrotongueBillions - Extreme Sandbox(2019) 

The creators seem to have settled into a predictable template that they follow with each new season, and it's starting to grate on me. The fourth season finale failed to deliver any surprises because I've seen the same… (more)