Disney+ - Streaming


Streaming from 03/26/2014  
Streaming from 03/25/2014
Streaming from 03/24/2014


Streaming from 03/23/2014
Streaming from 03/21/2014
Streaming from 03/20/2014
Streaming from 03/18/2014


Streaming from 03/16/2014
Streaming from 03/13/2014
Streaming from 03/11/2014


Streaming from 03/10/2014
Streaming from 03/09/2014


Streaming from 03/07/2014



MattyCaptain America: The Winter Soldier(2014) 

Just as Three Days of the Condor and The Parallax View were responses to Watergate, the second Captain America can be seen as a Hollywood interpretation of the events surrounding WikiLeaks and the NSA. What Steve Rogers… (more)

KakaCaptain America: The Winter Soldier(2014) 

The first one introduced us to the subject and allowed us to get to know the main character in a relatively interesting and unconventional retro-futuristic affair, but it adhered a bit too much to the shallowness and… (more)

POMOCaptain America: The Winter Soldier(2014) 

The second Captain America, reasonably moved to the “present”, is more serious and filled with more physical action. It takes place predominantly in the streets (cars and shootings) and it’s nice that the movie’s best… (more)