Prime Video - Streaming

Prime Video

Streaming from 04/02/2018  



Streaming from 04/01/2018


Streaming from 03/31/2018




kaylinThe Terror - Season 1(2018) 

The first season of the TV show The Terror did not leave me with a great first impression, although it has to be admitted that the acting is up to par, and the show takes on some interesting themes, even though the way… (more)

JeoffreyBlack Clover(2017) 

Perhaps I am going to rewrite this review (even though I do not think I will) after I have finished watching the final episode, however, I am now at the forty-six episode mark and it is all still quite the same. I think… (more)

KakaBillions - The Wrong Maria Gonzalez(2018) 

What's annoying about unnecessary episodes like this is the fact that some of the twists and changes happen just sort of randomly, precisely the way one of the main characters needs. And, of course, how the writers need… (more)