Prime Video - Streaming

Prime Video

Streaming from 03/26/2018  



Streaming from 03/25/2018


Streaming from 03/24/2018




kaylinThe Terror - Season 1(2018) 

The first season of the TV show The Terror did not leave me with a great first impression, although it has to be admitted that the acting is up to par, and the show takes on some interesting themes, even though the way… (more)

NecrotongueThe Terror - Season 1(2018) 

The first season (!?!?- what on earth is the second one going to be about???) was a major disappointment. The first episode was still quite good, but then everything went downhill (except for two glimmers of hope… (more)

3DD!3Strike Back(2010) 

Porter would get along with Jack Bauer. The British are trying, and, despite the occasional plot-hole, it runs pretty smoothly. Richard Armitage and Andrew Lincoln are excellently cast and do great in their roles. And… (more)