Prime Video - Streaming

Prime Video

Streaming from 12/08/2023  
Streaming from 12/07/2023



Streaming from 12/06/2023


Streaming from 12/05/2023


Streaming from 12/04/2023




Eileen is a nearly 100-minute film whose plot can be said, with a bit of exaggeration, to take off some 20 minutes before the end, whereupon the viewer will say: “That was it?” The final showdown simply cannot justify… (more)

LeitoSEFrieren: Beyond Journey's End(2023) 

The opening episode perfectly captures the overall atmosphere and flow of the anime. For the first time in my life, I saw a series in which I didn't mind that the story and the plot itself were pushed aside in favor of… (more)

FilmmaniakRaging Grace(2023) 

A drama with horror elements about a Philippine cleaning lady and single mother who manages to find employment and housing in an opulent British household, which on closer inspection hides numerous secrets. The film is… (more)