Prime Video - Streaming

Prime Video

Streaming from 12/02/2023  


Streaming from 12/01/2023


Streaming from 11/30/2023





JeoffreyFrieren: Beyond Journey's End(2023) 

Sousou no Frieren is being hailed by many as the best anime released to this day, a modern masterpiece that comes as close to perfection as possible. For those yet to encounter the nearly immortal elf, you might be… (more)

LeitoSEFrieren: Beyond Journey's End(2023) 

The opening episode perfectly captures the overall atmosphere and flow of the anime. For the first time in my life, I saw a series in which I didn't mind that the story and the plot itself were pushed aside in favor of… (more)

3DD!3Silent Night(2023) 

This won't be a Christmas classic. John Woo made a variation of Death Wish as a silent film and that's about the only thing the film stands out for. The long exposition where Dad recovers, learns how to kill on YouTube… (more)