Prime Video - Streaming

Prime Video

Streaming from 12/04/2023  



Streaming from 12/03/2023
Streaming from 12/02/2023





FilmmaniakThere's Something in the Barn(2023) 

There’s Something in the Barn is much more a comedy than a horror movie. As a comedy, it’s a solid film featuring a privileged and ignorant American family that moves to snow-covered Norway before Christmas with the… (more)

JeoffreyThe Apothecary Diaries - Season 1(2023) 

Sometimes you wait years for an amazing anime series, and other times you're lucky enough to get two in a single season. Just from the trailers, you can tell The Apothecary is something special - beautiful, dynamic, and… (more)

POMOThere's Something in the Barn(2023) 

A family Christmas comedy with elements of horror. You know how it is – ominous music plays to give us a sense that shit’s about to get real, but the scene is laced with jokes and it’s clear that nothing is going to… (more)